We are thrilled that our Royal Society of Edinburgh workshop grant has now officially started, running for 12-months from 1 February 2024. Over the past few months, we have been busy organising our workshops. This has already provided vital opportunity to connect and speak with a diverse range of scholars and museum and heritage practitioners
We will be giving an online talk (1-2pm UK time) on Tuesday 26 March at the University of Stirling’s Centre for Environment, Heritage and Policy seminar series (details and a link for joining will be available here). This seminar series aims “to share and ‘test out’ new ideas, seek wider collaboration, disseminate research, strengthen and
In this post we reflect on what motivates our shared interest in the emotionally laden elements of museum work – where did the emotion come from? Jennie’s arrival It was the emotion that got me in the end. More specifically, the acute feelings I experienced when working as a curator at a regional museum. As
We were pleased to take part in the ‘Care-ful’ Museums Conference held at Nottingham Trent University on 29th June 2023. Our presentation: Taking care of the workers: understanding museum and heritage professionals’ emotionally laden work, was a brief summary of our thoughts so far. We considered how emotion work has featured in writing about the museum and related
We will be adding news and events, blog posts, and invited contributions to this page as the project develops.