Spring Update

We have been busy getting ready for our first workshop to be held at the University of Stirling 1 May 2024 funded through the Royal Society of Edinburgh, University of Stirling, and King’s College London. With a fantastic lineup of participants, we are certain the day will lead to rich knowledge exchange and new insights, which we will report on in a future blog on this website.

In the meantime, we have also been preparing to speak at the Social History Curators Group Summer (June) conference. With the title ‘Emotions and Museums’ this is a fantastic forum to be participating in. The conference seeks to explore ‘aspects of emotion more deeply, examining the interplay between “feeling” and cultural spaces’ to enhance ‘understanding of how emotions are employed, elicited and interpreted within the museum context’. We are hugely excited about the potential this conference offers for connecting with practitioners and scholars who share our interest in emotions in the work undertaken by museum staff.

Finally, we have been busy writing (watch this space!). We have recently updated our reading list on the website. We hope you find this a useful resource.

With good wishes for the Spring,

Jennie and Anna

Spring flowers

Theme by the University of Stirling